Jeanine Nicarico DuPage Children’s Advocacy Center

Amount: $1500

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  • Grant Info

    Grant Title: Jeanine Nicarico DuPage Children's Advocacy Center
    Submitted By:
    School Name:
    School Address:
    Principal Name:
    Other Grants Awarded:
    Other Grants Applied For This Year:
    Number of Students:
    Grade Level:
    Dollar Amount Requested: $1500
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    Please clarify your personal belief system about literacy and learning that is reflected in your practice?
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  • How does this grant promote the development of literacy for learners?
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  • How does this grant provide professional development opportunities for educators (resources for programs and staff development)?
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  • How does this grant lay the foundation for creating life-long readers, writers, and learners?
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  • How does this grant provide opportunities that link literacy at home and school?
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  • Assessment Plan
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  • Itemized & Detailed Budget
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