The g.l.o.w. 5k is a family run/walk to support literacy, fitness and family, and usually take place on 5th Avenue/Plank Road in Naperville.
All proceeds go to the Jeanine Nicarico Memorial Fund for Literacy to acquire and distribute resources that provide enriched literacy opportunities for learners within the Naperville community.

general info
Event Director: Tracey Nelson
Race will be cancelled if severe weather conditions arise for the safety of all participants. No standing under tent areas if lightening is present. We will post if event is cancelled.
5th Avenue Station
200-300 5th Avenue
Naperville, IL 60563
Date: Saturday, May 20th, 2023
Entertainment tent 6:30-10:00PM
Race kicks off at 8:15PM
Distance: 5K Run/Walk
Before May 14th – Adults $40 Children $30 (12 yrs old and under)Walk-in registration fee’s Adult $45 Children $35
Tshirt sizes after May 1st are subject to availability
Virtual Runners! Unable to run/walk but would like to support the event and receive a 5K T-shirt to be picked up during runner packet pick up days.
registration / packet pick up
On-line registrations closes Sunday, May 14th at 11:59pm
Walk-in Registration and packet pick up Thursday, May 18th and Friday, May 19th 10am-7pm at the Naperville Running Company on Jefferson in Downtown Naperville.
Walk-in Fees: Adult $45, Children $35
T-shirt sizes limited to availability for all registrations after May 1st!
No Race day registration or packet pick up!!!!!!
Race entries are not refundable or deferrable, reminder this is a fundraiser.
Race will only be cancelled if severe weather conditions arise for the safety of all participants
wave starts
The 5K Run will have a wave start which will be clearly marked. Wave start and Chrono track timing systems attached to your race bib eliminate the need to attach a device to your shoelace. Your time will start and stop when you go over the start/finish line.
What is a wave start?
A wave start consists of many staggered starts of small groups instead of one giant start for all participants. Runners are placed in waves consisting of other runners with a similar run pace allowing for a less congested race route. Each wave has its start with a short time cushion in between waves. A wave start creates a safer, more enjoyable experience for all participants!
What does this mean for you?
Registration – Estimating your time is important. Please be as accurate as possible when choosing your wave on the registration form. Because of the details involved, we ask you to register as early as possible for us to facilitate wave placements as accurately as possible. The race coordinators reserve the right to adjust wave locations if necessary due to grouping sizes.
On Race Day – Please arrive at the starting area early. You will line up by your wave group that will be clearly marked. You will not be allowed to run in a faster wave than you are assigned to but you may move back in a wave. We ask for your integrity of the waves for a safe and successful event for all participants.
Can I still run with my friends?
The wave start system is set up to allow you to run with who you choose due to the timing system on your bib your time starts when you cross over the start/finish line.
Any runner can move BACK in a wave. For example, if you are in wave A, and your friend is in wave C, you can simply line up in wave C, but your friend can not move up to wave A.
wave flights
The minutes below reflect a 5K (3.1mile) total run time.
Use your best guess, if you have no idea place yourself in wave C-E, wave C will consist of faster runners, wave E will have more walkers and strollers.
Remember your time starts when you cross the start line, so you will have a time just for you no matter what wave you are in!!
Wave A: 6:00 mile pace (under 21:00 5K)
Wave B: 7:00 mile pace (21:00+ 5K)
Wave C: 8:00 mile pace (24:00+ 5K)
Wave D: 9:00 mile pace (27:00+ 5K)
Wave E: 10:00+ pace (30:00+ 5K) (walkers and strollers)
post race and event tent
Featuring music by The Commoners!
Glow merchandise will be available for purchase at the event and packet pick up.
The following awards will be announced after the race:
Overall Male and Female
Most Glowed Out Individual
Most Glowed Out Team/Group
Schools with the highest percentage of participation will win the following:(minimum 5% of enrollment required for award)
Elementary $1250, Junior High $750, High School $550 gift card to Anderson’s Bookstore
Race Results will be posted here immediately following the race:
2019 Results: www.ItsRaceTime.com/Results.aspx?ID=2103
2018 Results: www.ItsRaceTime.com/Results.aspx?ID=1908
2017 Results: www.ItsRaceTime.com/Results.aspx?ID=1715
Food, Beverages and Entertainment:
Following the race there will be food and beverages provided by local restaurants. Entertainment provided by the band The Commoners
All people drinking beer or wine must be 21 years of age with a valid ID.
team captain info
The G.L.O.W. 5K Run for Reading is a great race to round out our spring running season.
Proceeds will go to the Jeanine Nicarico Memorial Fund for Literacy to acquire and distribute resources that provide enriched literacy opportunities for the learners within the Naperville community. At this race you’ll run through local neighborhoods and have a chance to bring the community together for an event that supports literacy, fitness and family.
Anderson Bookstore gift cards awarded to the school with the highest percentage participation in both district 203 and 204! Early Childhood – 5th $1250, Junior High $750, High School $550!!!!
Along with awards to Best “GLOWING” Team and Individual.
Download these documents to help you promote participation:
Event Flyer-English
Event Flyer-Spanish
Top 10 Ways to Promote the GLOW5K
Sample School Updates (morning announcement sample)
No Excuses (counter arguments)
Sample Staff Letter
sponsorship info
To learn more about becoming a sponsor for the g.l.o.w. 5k, visit our sponsorship page

post race photo galleries

Thank you to our Donors & Sponsors